Extended industry sort code directory

The most up-to-date directory of UK sort codes


The extended industry sort code directory (EISCD) is a comprehensive database of payments-related information for financial institutions participating in the UK’s Bacs, CHAPS, Cheque and Credit Clearing and Faster Payments schemes.

It provides the most extensive coverage of UK financial institutions and is updated weekly to provide vital assurance against missing out on sort code changes. 

  • Save time and money by detecting errors early
  • Boost efficiency and improve cash flow by reducing the risk of returned payments
  • Perform checks as part of your workflow, either manually or by computer program

Manage my EISCD account

Review or amend your account details and licence online

Any questions?

If you have any questions or queries about the EISCD, or need help with your registration, contact our UK Service Desk:
+44 (0)370 165 0018

license the EISCD

Access the EISCD live database from just £2,023 + VAT per year. Our flexible licensing lets you provide access throughout your organisation as required.

single site licence

plus VAT per annum

Allows the subscriber to use the EISCD throughout their organisation using only one copy of the file.

The whole organisation should always only access the one original copy.

View terms and conditions

distributor licence

plus VAT per annum

Allows the subscriber to copy and share the data within their own organisation and/or sell it to third parties.

Third parties can’t sell the data to others and are effectively licensed as single site subscribers.

View terms and conditions

master distribution licence

plus VAT per annum

The master distributor license is the same as a distributor licence except third parties can be licensed as distributors in their own right.

Third parties that are licensed as distributors can themselves sell on the EISCD to other third parties that will be licensed as single site subscribers.

View terms and conditions

Additional resources